Mode Project is no stranger to remote collaboration for creative editing, design, animation, post-production and finishing. Many of our projects over the years have been for clients who couldn’t attend an in-person edit / creative session at our Chicago studio. But the current situation has required a better way for our clients to collaborate with us in real time without the limitations of traditional virtual tools like Zoom and Skype. So we’ve partnered with Evercast, the industry-leading provider of high quality, low-latency streaming combined with video conferencing. Evercast’s live streaming technology was built for the rapid pace of our creative workflows. Wherever our clients are located, they are able to view our workstations in high-definition, enabling collaboration with unprecedented efficiency.
“We’re collaborating with our clients in real time, just as if they were in the room. The high-definition, low-latency video livestream gives us instant feedback, saving time and enhancing creativity.”
Mode Project
Client laptop
Clients are able to communicate with us in real-time - sharing feedback, screening edits, animation, footage, and locking the creative quickly. Since we’ve began working remotely, our team has produced hundreds of deliverables, from OLV’s to multi-spot TVCs.